Photo of a green sub-boreal forest with snow-capped blue mountains in the distance, under a blue sky with scattered white clouds.


The Buddhist Meditation Society of Northern British Columbia is a registered charity incorporated under the BC Societies Act. It was first incorporated in 1997.


The name of the Society is The Buddhist Meditation Society of Northern British Columbia.

The purposes of the Society are:

  1. To provide opportunities and facilities for the study of Buddhist teachings and meditation practices.
  2. To assist and support members in following their spiritual path.
  3. To complement the objectives of Buddhist principles by participating in charitable activities in the community.


The bylaws of the Society are the model bylaws set out in Schedule B to the 1996 BC Society Act.

Current Board of Directors

The Society is governed and operated by a small volunteer Board, elected annually at our annual general meeting. Current directors are:

  • Dorothy Michiel, President
  • Valerie Schmitz, Vice President
  • John Neumann, Treasurer
  • Ken Bilski, Secretary
  • Ren Stelmaschuk, director at large
  • Jen Bobb, director at large

General meetings

Minutes from past annual general meetings are available to members here (password-protected page).

BMSNBC logo, which shows a white silhouette of a person in a sitting meditation position, in front of dark grey mountains, against a white background.